Thursday, July 31, 2008

Monday, July 28, 2008

Surfer Baby

Due to being gone to North Carolina for 10 days this month, I haven't been in the water lately. When you work on 100% commission you have to put in the time and I have 10 days worth to make up! We did get to go to the Orange County Fair for a bit last night with the family.

"Get ready to spend your money!" my sister-in-law said when we got the the shop area. She walked me over to the Surfer Baby tent and I grabbed this sign before I was even all the way inside the tent! They have a ton of cool stuff, and I was lucky to leave with any cash still in my pocket.

All you parents check their store here,

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Surfer Dude?

I Like YDD's take "I command you NOT to see this this film." Not just for the fact that it looks absolutely beyond stupid, but Matthew blantantly stole the name my wife and I picked out for our firstborn over 2 years ago! He personally financed this film and seems to be doing his best to destroy any positive reality associated with surfing. I think the surfers in Malibu went after the wrong people last month.

We (um, I) at everyonesurfs support the rights of all people to surf, but this is getting kind of ridiculous.

Is it just me or am I ranting a lot lately? I need to get in the water more and think happy thoughts.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Family Reunion

For both of the folks who read this blog, you've noticed I've been "out of the office" for a couple weeks. I was back home in North Carolina for a family reunion. Hot, humid and fun. It was nice to see family I haven't seen in years and see the old hometown.

I got reaquainted with the local wildlife

We went to Wrightsville and I got to give surf lessons to some of the cousins. 82 degree water felt like heaven in spite of the fact that there were no waves. The lack of surf made it a lot easier for me to not ditch the kids and surf myself, I'm not much for teaching surfing, snowboarding is a lot easier for me to give lessons for some reason, I taught almost all the kids in this picture to snowboard a few years back and that was much easier process.

The knee-high waves on the outside were a little scary for this guy so he hung out in the ankle-high whitewater and kneeboarded. For all the NC locals, don't worry about any extra people in the lineup because of this lesson, they're all from the midwest. We might get a couple extra great lakes surfers from this though!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Its amazing what you can find these days on the internet. I'm sure all you financially savy cats out there know public-owned companies report the buying and selling of stock, and apparently who's doing the buying and selling. This is a report I found for a former exec of Quiksilver. Not exaclty sure how it all works, but with my interpretation there's a $1.1 Million payday here. Not a bad days work!

The surf industry's come a looooong way from a bunch of beach bums just living life and having a good time.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lightning-Bolt Purgatory

From my trip to Coronado a couple weeks ago. I saw this poor Lightning Bolt wasting away in the Tommy Bahamas store. It says Gerry Lopez on it though I didn't get in-depth enough to see if he shaped it. It could be worse, this board could be in a Hollister store!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday USA!

Rasta showing his patriotism

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baja Anyone?

I live right by Oakley's headquarters and saw this yesterday. Conspicuous consumption/Awesomeness! I'd love to take this on a long Baja run, but I doubt its much use as a daily driver...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

More Flip-Flop Danger

Click here to learn more reasons the Big Flip-Flop industry is trying to kill us all.